Is It Better to Play Apex With a Controller

Daltoosh Controller Player SoaR Viss KeyboardMouse Player TSM Button Inputs Keyboard Wins. If you want to play apex legends on a PC with a controller that is perfectly fine.

Controller Vs Mouse In Apex Legends Which Is Better Youtube

I can tell anyone Apex Legends with a controller on PC with high FPS is super easy.

. If you are just playing for fun and you are familiar with the controller just stay on it but if you intend to play at a high level you should switch to MnK. Harder it is to play with a controller now. Warzone is a controller game in apex there are multiple movement techniques that are NOT possible on a controller.

Apex Legends is no different. Most folks are gonna answer this telling you that you should use a keyboard and mouse but really if a controller feels better to you than fine use it. There are several options to the modded Apex controller.

For more tips watch me on twitch httpswwwtwitchtvlilsunI know its not my normal content but I hope to add apex and brawl to my channel thanks for watc. Nickmercs Controller Player FaZe Ninja KeyboardMouse Player. WIth controllers you dont need to try and aim the device does most of it for you.

Evan still does the lions share of the work when we squad up in Apex Legends but I can hold my own. I had the high ground angle on him and did 190 to him but he somehow still killed me even when i had the better ground. I play Battlefield games on the Xbox and games like PUBG or Apex Legends on the PC.

I can say that after 6 months of learning mouse and keyboard. Posted by 2 years ago. They think that if you had a better time aiming with a mouse and keyboard than the.

He is also radiant on valorant so its not like hes a one trick controller pony hes goated on. Or illegally altering the condition of equipment during play and deliberate foul play with the aim of avoiding sanction. Practise your hip-fire accuracy in the Firing Range and get used to gunning people down without the need to aim as this will ultimately improve your accuracy on the controller and make you feel more comfortable with your aiming ability indirectly improving your ADS accuracy as well.

Controller has the advantage in close-mid range gunfights. The gamer can effectively use this controller to play the Apex legends game. I find out in this episode of Which is better from the Gaming Merchant.

A Keyboard Mouse Is Better But Harder To Master. Controller Vs Mouse and Keyboard For Aiming. Apex Legends is celebrating their year anniversary with Season 4 launching on February 4th 2020.

Thats about the full summary. It really depends on what you are used to. Tip 1 - Evade Enemy Fire.

So I have been trying to learn how to use mouse keyboard in Apex Legends and I have come to a couple conclusions. Play On Controller In Apex Legends Mobile. Play on PC it has undeniably advantages.

Personally I have been playing shooters on the PS4 for a while and have never played one on the PC so I prefer and find it easier to play Apex on the console. A brand new player can hop on controller and be competent. If the answer is yes then you need to get your hands on a modded Apex legends controller.

Secondly however the mouse and keyboard also make the difference especially in the field FPSHowever not everyone manages to play well in this way. Prep for the new Season of Apex Legends with these 5 Top Controller Tips to become a better player. Controller is easier to start with lower skill floor.

New LegendWassup Legends in this video we take a look at controller support and we also talk about the Apex Leg. It depends on your preference. Is just so much better that the.

I normally play on a controller but this. Dude is legit the best controller player i have seen on APEX. Controller vs Mouse in Apex Legends - Which is Better.

First of all performance because if you play accompanied by an optimal configuration you will enjoy a better graphic design and a high frame rate. The Apex controller have been modified in such a way that you get the best out of your gaming experience. Apex Legens mousekeyboard vs.

Apex Legens mousekeyboard vs. Therefore my explicit recommendation is to try it out but you will see that APEX is unplayable with a controller. Apex thrives on its close counter engagements.

On the PC I played predominantly with mouse and keyboard occasionally some sports games with a controller. The best for PC. While it is not so much of a problem at long to medium range at close range players with similar skills the player that is plating on a controller with aim assist will more likely to win.

Most of the time in this game people fight in close range. APEX does not offer an aim assist feature like for example Call of Duty and deliberately does not want to create an equal playing field on the PC. In the middle of a fight you want to be able to shoot the enemy but avoid being shot by them.

Even other pros are dumbfounded at how good he is. But for some of my friends its vice versa. Mnk is more difficult and takes more practice but has an overall higher ceiling.

Mnk has the advantage in almost every other aspect. For me mice is better and more precise at aiming while controller is better for movement.

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